Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wonder Woogie

Every parents likes to think they have the smartest kid in the world, well the rest are just competing for 2ND in my book. Earlier this year, right before his 5Th birthday, Jett had some boys over to play they rode bikes all over the back yard and garage areas.
We had been asking him for a couple weeks do you want to learn to ride your bike with out the training wheels? No- Momma , when I'm 5, was his usual response. So one of the boys who was over that day was already riding without his training wheels and I guess Jett decided right then he was going to also. He bent the training wheels up about 5 inches from the ground, from the back they looked like little wings. He then started off peddling and used the training wheels as a secondary balance. Literally two hours after doing this he bent them all the way up and yelled for me to come watch. Sure enough he had taught himself to ride his bike, all by himself!
If you look at the lower right hand corner you can see one of the wheels bent up. We have asked him many times , do you want us to take the wheels off, he says no but I have a feeling he will take of it all by himself!

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