Monday, August 17, 2009

Pre K 1st Day of School

Today was the first day of Pre K for Jett, last week he waned no part of school but his morning it was fine. When we walked him in he did so great no crying, just walked in found his name and sat down, we are so proud of him.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The past a nut shell

Cort opened a bottle of ketchup and it flew up and landed on his nose.

Jett and Cali at Adobe Verde

Christy and Cali

Okay here goes...the biggest the that has changed is I don't work for Wells anymore...long story only to be told over many many Margaritas but I like it so far more time with hubby dearest and woogie man. We have been very busy this summer Jett has been in swimming lesson, VBS, and is still the one man wrecking crew of the house... Jarrod has been CRAZY busy he gets no less than 10 calls a day, YEAH. I met my dearest friend Christy in Gruene before the 4th for a few days of cold water, great food, and yummy drinks...too bad it was so crowed.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Updates on the Family

Jarrod has hired back the old foreman of his work crew and says he forgot how much he missed South Texas Ag, look for his ad in the Victoria Advocate. Hay season is in full swing and is busy making hay while the sun shines. ( I know that sounded corny) In all his "free time" he is still working on our arena. He is so sweet to do this because as everybody knows Jarrod does nothing half way so he is building it out of pipe and guard rail!!! I am so excited, I bet my city girl friends are going what?, only me right. I think now that Jett has taken an interest in riding it's full steam ahead. Maybe when it is completed we will have a little roping or something, nothing big just friends and family. I will let every one know.

I think Jett has hit a growth spurt because all but two pairs of his pants are to short, so we just tuck them in his boots and try to convince him to wear them like that. He tells me no, Daddy doesn't do that...I guess I trip to Cavender's is in our future. I took him to Spashway in Sheridan last Friday I meant to take picture but the disposable camera I brought along was's not like I could get him to stand still long enough either. We had a great time I would recommend going.

I have been feeling a lot better and have returned to work this week. I'm unsure if I will need the gall bladder surgery the Dr is waiting to see if the cyst shrinks with time or completely dissolves. I'm looking forward to return to life as normal. Thank you everybody that had me in their prayers.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

TOM TOM Weekend

Tom Tom weekend is the first weekend in June and there are many events. Friday night we took Jett to the rodeo to watch Aunt Haley rope, Saturday was the parade, party in the park and that night the rodeo again. Jett had so much fun watching the big "cowboys" he woke me up EARLY Sunday morning and said I want to ride. I have been waiting to hear these words so we saddled up my horse Chicken and I led him around for a while. I was so proud of Jett and the horse. Jett was learning how to stop, turn, and back up the horse and the horse was being extremely tender. It's like they know when a little one is on, as you can see Jett's legs are finally long enough to start learning to riding by himself. We will be working on this all summer and fall, maybe this winter he can truly ride by himself.

Jett riding my horse

I love this smile

Jett took this one, he was a little close but I liked the photo.

This video is of Jett riding for the first time alone. (This horse is very broke and follows me wherever I walk) Later in the day we changed saddles and put on Jarrod's first saddle, now Jett's saddle, I will post those later.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jane the Wonder Dog

Last night I put Jett in bed about 8:30 , Jane has been sleeping in his room lately to "protect" him from the monsters. I checked on him a couple times and he was still awake...9:00, 9:15, 9:25, 9:37, 9:49 so needless to say I was tired but the only one. Jarrod got home after a long day of hay season duties and checked on him and came running in here laughing, you have to get your camera, I think the pictures speaks for it's self...

AFTER- I think Jane just gave up and went to sleep.

BEFORE-This is his old Lighting McQueen shirt that was in a pile of stuff to put up. I promise his room is not normally this messy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kitchen Fun

Today I attempted to clean/organize the kitchen as I was working on the lazy susan in the corner I could not make it turn 360 degrees, so I asked Jett to climb in and remove whatever it was. He is such a little man and will just say okay Mommy no problem.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Recent Photo's

A couple of pics from the weekend I thought were fun. I just saw the date was wrong on my camera and changed it, oops. By the way I'm loving TRHO NEW Jersey, especially Dina, she is a riot.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sound Effects

Jett's last day of school was yesterday so he will be with Jarrod all summer. I called him today to see how Daddy Day Care was going he laughed and said everything was great except for the sound effects...Jett's sound effects to whatever boat, airplane, truck or tractor he is driving/flying. I think little boys are born with the skill of sound effects, whenever I try to make the sounds when we are playing he tells me no Mommy that's not right...O well

This weekend I will put pictures up...maybe even the Hawaii ones if I can find them....Come on 5 o'clock Margarita time!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

An Awful Reminder

I took Jett to Casa Ole to celebrate the end of school while we were waiting on his chocolate chip cookie to finish being made. It was so nice to have that special little time to talk about school, what he learned today, and what ever else he wants to discuss. As I paid the bill I noticed a flyer about a little three year old boy that had passed away. As I read closer I realized I knew they parents I called Jarrod to tell him and he called the father of the boy. The family had been BBQing and the Dad lost sight of the boy for about 8 minutes. They immediately ran the the tank and didn't see him so they searched in the barns, the house, the trucks and realized their worst fear. After swimming around the tank about 30 times they still couldn't find him. By this time the Uncle , friends and neighbors started helping, someone had started skimming the bottom with a net a they found him. We went to the visitation yesterday with Jett to pay our respects and before we arrived I told Jett what happened and how important it was to listen to your parents and stay away from water with out adults with him. Jett said Mommy he died? I said yes baby, he thought a minute and said well I guess he gets to see Jesus. What a horrible tragedy that could have been prevented, please don't let this little boy's death be in vain.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Great Bike Race

I was extremely stressed out about work today so when I got home I asked Jarrod and Jett if they wanted to join me on a bike ride. So 5 minutes later we are on the way...I have to say there is nothing more precious than a four year old on his little John Deere bike peddling as fast as he can, while the helmet keeps slipping down his face...there is NO QUIT in that boy, he tried so hard to keep up. We were on the back side of our place and he wanted to race so we take off from the corner and race to the gate about 1/4 mile away...he won! Needless to say all stress gone and replaced by genuine joy.

Jett the "Mack Daddy"

This weekend for Mother's Day Jarrod, Jett, and I went camping at Coleto. We went out on the boat and kneeboarded, played in the water, rode bikes and had wonderful time. My brother Will and my Parents came out Saturday to join us. You know how you always wonder how your kiddo acts when your not around well I found out. My Dad took Jett to the playground and noticed him talking to this cute little girl. Dad said he sneaked around to get closer to hear what they were talking about. Jett saw his "Bub" and stopped talking to the girl and turned towards Bub and said you go over there I'm busy. Dad said it was the cutest thing ,Jett was busy talking to this cute little girl and leaning on the tree like he was bellied up to the bar. So Sunday morning while Jarrod and I were paking the camp up Jett asked if he could ride his bike around we noticed he kept riding in front of the one camp site. There was another little girl over there that was playing with her older brother. Jett would ride by and put his feet on the handle bars then come back by stop and pretend to fix his bike and look to see if the little girl was looking. Jarrod and I laughed so hard. I got one picture of him checkion gout the little girl.( I will post later.)

Mom fixed dinner and we all went over to her house, Grandma and John, Will, Haley, Mom, Dad Jett, Jarrod and I . Oh the food was so good....Grandma made strawberry pies and her famous chicken gravy, Mom made chicken nuggets, rice and potatoes salad, I made the broccli salad recipe I got from Houston. YUM-YUM