Sunday, June 7, 2009

TOM TOM Weekend

Tom Tom weekend is the first weekend in June and there are many events. Friday night we took Jett to the rodeo to watch Aunt Haley rope, Saturday was the parade, party in the park and that night the rodeo again. Jett had so much fun watching the big "cowboys" he woke me up EARLY Sunday morning and said I want to ride. I have been waiting to hear these words so we saddled up my horse Chicken and I led him around for a while. I was so proud of Jett and the horse. Jett was learning how to stop, turn, and back up the horse and the horse was being extremely tender. It's like they know when a little one is on, as you can see Jett's legs are finally long enough to start learning to riding by himself. We will be working on this all summer and fall, maybe this winter he can truly ride by himself.

Jett riding my horse

I love this smile

Jett took this one, he was a little close but I liked the photo.

This video is of Jett riding for the first time alone. (This horse is very broke and follows me wherever I walk) Later in the day we changed saddles and put on Jarrod's first saddle, now Jett's saddle, I will post those later.