Thursday, May 14, 2009

An Awful Reminder

I took Jett to Casa Ole to celebrate the end of school while we were waiting on his chocolate chip cookie to finish being made. It was so nice to have that special little time to talk about school, what he learned today, and what ever else he wants to discuss. As I paid the bill I noticed a flyer about a little three year old boy that had passed away. As I read closer I realized I knew they parents I called Jarrod to tell him and he called the father of the boy. The family had been BBQing and the Dad lost sight of the boy for about 8 minutes. They immediately ran the the tank and didn't see him so they searched in the barns, the house, the trucks and realized their worst fear. After swimming around the tank about 30 times they still couldn't find him. By this time the Uncle , friends and neighbors started helping, someone had started skimming the bottom with a net a they found him. We went to the visitation yesterday with Jett to pay our respects and before we arrived I told Jett what happened and how important it was to listen to your parents and stay away from water with out adults with him. Jett said Mommy he died? I said yes baby, he thought a minute and said well I guess he gets to see Jesus. What a horrible tragedy that could have been prevented, please don't let this little boy's death be in vain.

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