Monday, May 11, 2009

Jett the "Mack Daddy"

This weekend for Mother's Day Jarrod, Jett, and I went camping at Coleto. We went out on the boat and kneeboarded, played in the water, rode bikes and had wonderful time. My brother Will and my Parents came out Saturday to join us. You know how you always wonder how your kiddo acts when your not around well I found out. My Dad took Jett to the playground and noticed him talking to this cute little girl. Dad said he sneaked around to get closer to hear what they were talking about. Jett saw his "Bub" and stopped talking to the girl and turned towards Bub and said you go over there I'm busy. Dad said it was the cutest thing ,Jett was busy talking to this cute little girl and leaning on the tree like he was bellied up to the bar. So Sunday morning while Jarrod and I were paking the camp up Jett asked if he could ride his bike around we noticed he kept riding in front of the one camp site. There was another little girl over there that was playing with her older brother. Jett would ride by and put his feet on the handle bars then come back by stop and pretend to fix his bike and look to see if the little girl was looking. Jarrod and I laughed so hard. I got one picture of him checkion gout the little girl.( I will post later.)

Mom fixed dinner and we all went over to her house, Grandma and John, Will, Haley, Mom, Dad Jett, Jarrod and I . Oh the food was so good....Grandma made strawberry pies and her famous chicken gravy, Mom made chicken nuggets, rice and potatoes salad, I made the broccli salad recipe I got from Houston. YUM-YUM

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