Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Updates on the Family

Jarrod has hired back the old foreman of his work crew and says he forgot how much he missed South Texas Ag, look for his ad in the Victoria Advocate. Hay season is in full swing and is busy making hay while the sun shines. ( I know that sounded corny) In all his "free time" he is still working on our arena. He is so sweet to do this because as everybody knows Jarrod does nothing half way so he is building it out of pipe and guard rail!!! I am so excited, I bet my city girl friends are going what?, only me right. I think now that Jett has taken an interest in riding it's full steam ahead. Maybe when it is completed we will have a little roping or something, nothing big just friends and family. I will let every one know.

I think Jett has hit a growth spurt because all but two pairs of his pants are to short, so we just tuck them in his boots and try to convince him to wear them like that. He tells me no, Daddy doesn't do that...I guess I trip to Cavender's is in our future. I took him to Spashway in Sheridan last Friday I meant to take picture but the disposable camera I brought along was stolen...it's not like I could get him to stand still long enough either. We had a great time I would recommend going.

I have been feeling a lot better and have returned to work this week. I'm unsure if I will need the gall bladder surgery the Dr is waiting to see if the cyst shrinks with time or completely dissolves. I'm looking forward to return to life as normal. Thank you everybody that had me in their prayers.

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