Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jett Funny's

This weekend a friend of our asked Jett how many girlfriends he has now. Jett thought for a minute and counted one, two, three. I have three Haley's. We laughed so so hard and Haley being a good sport thought it was funny too.

Yesterday I came home from work and asked Jett how his day was. He said good "I have fun at school" then he showed me his arm that he scraped up this weekend and said I "boke" mom. I boke it like Bub's. My dad, Jett's Bub, broke his arm this February. This is Jett's "broken "arm.

1 comment:

kuykendall_family said...

So excited to see your blog! Jett is so cute! Hope to see you soon!