Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jett Funny's

This weekend a friend of our asked Jett how many girlfriends he has now. Jett thought for a minute and counted one, two, three. I have three Haley's. We laughed so so hard and Haley being a good sport thought it was funny too.

Yesterday I came home from work and asked Jett how his day was. He said good "I have fun at school" then he showed me his arm that he scraped up this weekend and said I "boke" mom. I boke it like Bub's. My dad, Jett's Bub, broke his arm this February. This is Jett's "broken "arm.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jett in the bucket

Jett found this bucket while I was watering plants and filled it with COLD water and the rest is history...I used to do the same thing I'm told . We both love COLD water

Winner of the best Present for Jett EVER

Laney sent Jett the coolest toy ever. It is a OLD WEST target practice set(Thanks LANEY) The big orange gun shoots a infrared light at the log that when hit throws the plastic cans in the air. Jett loves and so does Jarrod. The fuuny thing is when you change the TV channel it acts like fun too.

Little boy know-how taught Jett how to do this, he opened the bow and knew just what to do.

Easter Sunday

EASTER was so much fun we had Mime ,Bub and Haley over for mom' s famous chicken nuggets and then had a hunt for Jett. He also decided he NEEDED to ride Ketchum (Haley's Horse). Doesn't everybody hunt Easter Eggs in cowboy boots.

Jett's 3rd Birthday

Everything in Jett world is JOHN DEERE GREEN. He had a John Deere birthday party and a tractor cake made by me, check it out. He had about 10 little boys over and BOY did they every have fun. I even put so much green food coloring in the icing that it turned EVERYTHING GREEN, yes even that. Notice how GREEN Jett's friend Will's teeth are

We finally got one!!!

Okay...everybody else in the world has a blog to share pictures and cool stuff and now we finaaly do. Blame it on me I guess, Iwill TRY to keep it up to date but for the recordI 'm just doing good timewise to get pictures up. Here goes...