Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I was so worried, up until two days ago he was not excited about Kindergarten. Then all of a sudden it changed- maybe it was the new school supplies but I think it was the new boots! He came home all excited and said he had a great day!

Self Hair Cut

Yesterday -THE DAY BEFORE KINDERGARTEN -Jett decided to trim on his hair a bit. This is the final picture after Mom tried to fix it.
I promise I'm not chocking him I had my hand on his neck to show the DAMAGE- missing side burn....

nice shot of a near ear catastrophe..

A near scalping on the left side...

the evidence...

and finally at least he tried to clean up.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Iowa Surprise

OK -so I haven't written anything in a while because I was afraid I would somehow spill the beans that I was going to Iowa to surprise Laney. I left my house @4am on Thurs and Jett and I flew up surprise her. Nick helped me pull it off by having his mom pick us up and deliver us to Laney's House. I knocked on the back door and no answer but I knew she was awake because Mom had just spoke to her on the phone and called me to say coast is clear. Jett and tried to walk down the hall quietly and were headed up the stairs when Laney yelled who is in my house...we didn't say anything just started walking to the basement. She asked again who is there? about that time she had reached the top of the basement and I the bottom of the upstairs and she saw us- we had a great time Thurs the girls had Gymnastics and we went to dinner, Friday Laney, Jenny-one of her friends and I went to What Cheer this flea market close by, Saturday we hung around the house resting our tired feet from Fri in the morning and went shopping in the afternoon and had some of her friends over for dinner, Sunday- the kiddos went fishing with Nick for a bit and then it was off to the pool and pizza after. Wish we could have stayed longer but I promise not to stay gone for another 5 years again, the last I went was for Landry's 1st Birthday. I'm waiting on some picture from Laney to post of the weekend.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

All the pretty horses

When left alone to his own creativity , Jett never has a dull moment. I caught this little gem and asked him what he was doing. He said his horses wanted to march in line to the game room, he spent hours moving each one a little at a time and making sure all the horses "kept up". In order from first to last Horsey, Chief, Danny, Cochise, Shorty, Puppy #1, Chicken, Dub, Puppy#2, Firecracker, and Jett is in the back. I figure I better name them all now while I can remember all the names.