Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mamma Arm

Yesterday morning Jett and I were having breakfast, pancakes with a side of Disney channel. I was in a hurry to get going, I forget where. He was still kinda asleep and was snuggln' up to me as I was going through the morning routine. Eat Jett, Eat, please Eat...EAT. He looks up and says I just need my Momma arm? What? "You know, your arm around me....after wiping my eyes we just sit a sunggle a while longer...pancakes do reheat but this won't happen everyday.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Working Cattle Spring 2010

Took some shots of a recent cattle working, we let Jett stay home from school to work cows. He is riding "Chicken" all by himself now and doing a great job. He is all kinds of right in the middle of working cows, but we wouldn't have it any other way. He even roped a bull in the chute at one place. I love the picture of Jett holding Apache by the leg...when you don't have a rope cowboy up! We brought home a orphan calf to bottle feed. Jett named it Apache after Bub's first bottle feed calf. We have an unspoken traditon around here to take an all generation cowhand picture whenever possible, it's great but makes me miss the ones that are gone.


Today we had the extreme honor of visiting Nasa as guests of the Director. This week we are hosting a Group Study Exchange from Japan. There are six people staying with different families in the Yoakum area. We are hosting Akio Yoshida, a 37 years old man. Because of the work Rotary does to support NASA we were given the "Presidential" Tour. We first went to the Neutral Buoyancy Lab (underwater scenes from Armageddon) were astronauts get a feel for working outside of the shuttle . There were two Astronauts in the water in full gear.what an amazing site. Next we took a tour of live mock -ups of the shuttle and International Space Station, all very behind the red ropes- back door entrance stuff. Did I say AMAZING! We were able to crawl in one shuttle and sit in the Commander and Pilot seats!! Our last stop was supposed to be the viewing room of the new Mission Control room but at the last minute they allowed us to go in both the old and new Mission Control- the real room-with live picture and data streaming on the front wall. The old MC room (from Apollo 13 fame) looks exactly like you think with the huge green computers the size of washing machines. What an amazing once in a lifetime event. By they way if you don't think NASA is all that important do yourself a favor and do more research.