Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My flower

Jett was in the back yard playing while we were painting the living room. I saw him messing with my flowers and knocked on the window for him to stop it. He looked up and pulled one of the biggest and prettiest up by the root and we watched as he looked at and and tried to pull off the roots. That didn't work so he bit the stem right above the roots and smiled then caming running in Mommy I got flower for you.

No Dirt No Mud

Jarrod and I have been cleaning out the house, EVERY CLOSET, EVERYWHERE so we can finally move our stuff in and build a home. Jett has patiently helped bring trash bag after trash bag to the dump truck, yes dump truck , there is that much trash. We took a quick break and I told him don't get in any mud or dirt. So I go in the house to get a drink and as I come out of the garage Jett says "see Mommy no dirt no mud". As you tell he is covered in dirt and mud but having such a great time who could be mad.